Results of a Password Cracking Contest in My Security Class (Spring 2025)
Each semester in my Security class, I give a month-long lab to crack as many passwords as possible. For this spring’s contest (opened on February 11th), I used two different hash types: MD5 and SHA-512. The contest closed on March 7th at 11:59 PM PDT. The password hashes (16 total):
sisterbear:$1$ApfSxfFO$FknsTo4Mlv3nO82.ilT0q1:1001:1001:,,,:/home/sisterbear:/bin/bash grizzlybear:$1$PS0QXCyB$r228P.Y4VUFFWBzgKUAqn1:1002:1002:,,,:/home/grizzlybear:/bin/bash jackbear:$1$BCbOtUqv$SJoRNYs7sx1gjtlxWlw6I0:1003:1003:,,,:/home/jackbear:/bin/bash pandabear:$1$5pnCnez/$0lp7z5NlxGWgP.PJgAyrs.:1004:104:,,,:/home/pandabear:/bin/bash yogibear:$1$qkSg6/Pc$3MUsJYeXZ3sUPnmm7KXbe.:1005:1005:,,,:/home/yogibear:/bin/bash mamabear:$1$MULXzyNA$isycuC.G0gmPpX8hivcek/:1006:1006:,,,:/home/mamabear:/bin/bash barneybear:$1$4Y873ZFk$7ft1lM6uIg4AJpMbUROd7/:1007:1007:,,,:/home/barneybear:/bin/bash papabear:$1$bKfR50pc$IefSeN.y4qLYLD6ekC8Xw1:1008:1008:,,,:/home/papabear:/bin/bash bluebear:$6$NlI8hjOs11//5.rC$iUP2pA0vK/TQFVJi5Jg91ATPtvydVDKxDLWU8kOXj6v503RPrbOKhKozY.JctPKC.4lctdNEJrFNsdcVztiP.0:1009:1009:,,,:/home/bluebear:/bin/bash cozybear:$6$2HCZ.g49dQiTtKbm$JR3ydpTfCVHZBpSWZbjlkpIvfJGvmVr6wt/mFlqfwRJFxkPUWr7y7QBZk7GcwAXFK9tA1ZgrocavDiDcSOqEW.:1010:1010:,,,:/home/cozybear:/bin/bash polarbear:$6$j0WfMaEjGMU4vS7y$X3JkHtc0jiBoEcMdpKH2ErMi15XxIwIL/HqF2vCZGsztj3gy0F6zAx1eA2UX6.hiuc/MPREiurVcKfebEY8JU.:1011:1011:,,,:/home/polarbear:/bin/bash teddybear:$6$BPNWlNlfW.yWiA8B$OOUgW37LtigvbeM37e0ZHCFrMP6zyrO5.YMPayMCx.3b1Vk8v8vHRrontNYIie9JppGNe3qHtdNGV2NpbqMLh0:1012:1012:,,,:/home/teddybear:/bin/bash carebear:$6$uV3bcm89VJaSHSmH$v0oVxLdKv0ym2u4GWU4x00joxvVzhRRhImAVFeeSi4zUfIkz1zteytLCh.hZN9qrDhCp6l4DPOgiOvUxvltPT/:1013:1013:,,,:/home/carebear:/bin/bash blackbear:$6$nALZ3.IixrdDxDaj$6.JO0YPa.E0fictmyhcwjNJvDXB5K47/iSDZBwfFeZmG8aOFX/372tGT2C.xaqse/mat/xSIfxZVVK/4NTe5k1:1014:1014:,,,:/home/blackbear:/bin/bash fancybear:$6$yLu0m9rfARN0B1HH$12w40GXiInIl8/EL3QF2jCN7XmJN5XMDMJGfjUqMFMlJUFlZMR3.c64zs0meBO/9EZv3DhGFD0HhRt/gbzIyN1:1015:1015:,,,:/home/fancybear:/bin/bash brotherbear:$6$d0DrALmhR5cxXfSn$BgUx6QegMs150Ndi3taJjfJVQaSTRKCi0DaMpGZqiRyxku3e0hinAGI4wmsIOfG/03loR1XelKOymJ6OqPwdM0:1016:1016:,,,:/home/brotherbear:/bin/bash
113 submissions across two classes. The answers:
- (MD5) sisterbear:frederic => 113 students cracked this
- (MD5) grizzlybear:bisbocciavano => 102 students cracked this
- (MD5) jackbear:n0n4nc3571241 => 98 students cracked this
- (MD5) pandabear:dodgers1 => 113 students cracked this
- (MD5) yogibear:ethsbm => 28 students cracked this
- (MD5) mamabear:noB!.132EP;F/u35 => 0 student cracked this 😛
- (MD5) barneybear:yasuoshu => 80 students cracked this
- (MD5) papabear:lynnw00d => 92 students cracked this
- (SHA-512) bluebear:cbr900rr => 100 students cracked this
- (SHA-512) cozybear:datblygu23 => 38 students cracked this
- (SHA-512) polarbear:qaxSYIAL => 0 students cracked this 😛
- (SHA-512) teddybear:Magoveny => 79 students cracked this
- (SHA-512) carebear:13p70m3nin6i7i5 => 93 students cracked this
(SHA-512) blackbear:Rh ZY=TCvw4$*4fT => 0 student cracked this 😛 - (SHA-512) fancybear:69770257 => 20 students cracked this
- (SHA-512) brotherbear:soccer10 => 102 students cracked this
To earn all 10 / 10 points for the lab, students had to crack 10 or more passwords. The final distribution:
13 (x9) 12 (x5) 11 (x17) 10 (x52) 9 (x6) 8 (x4) 7 (x2) 6 (x3) 5 (x5) 4 (x5) 3 (x1) 2 (x4)
Average number of passwords cracked: 9.362831858
Median number of passwords cracked: 10
How I created this spring’s password cracking contest:
- sisterbear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - grizzlybear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - jackbear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - pandabear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - yogibear’s password => randomly generated using all [a-z]
- mamabear’s password => randomly generated using all [a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*()specialcharacters], less than 8 characters
- barneybear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - papabear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - bluebear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - cozybear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - polarbear’s password => => randomly generated using all [a-zA-Z], less than 8 characters
- teddybear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - carebear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists - blackbear’s password => randomly generated using all [a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*()specialcharacters]
- fancybear’s password => randomly generated using all [0-9], length 8
- brotherbear’s password => taken from
in Daniel Miessler’s SecLists
Selected methodologies and hauls from students:
sisterbear:frederic, cracked using John the Ripper default wordlist
grizzlybear:bisbocciavano, cracked using John the Ripper darkc0de.txt wordlist
jackbear:n0n4nc3571241, cracked using John the Ripper darkc0de.txt wordlist
pandabear:dodgers1, cracked using John the Ripper default wordlist
papabear:lynnw00d, cracked using John the Ripper ashley-madison.txt wordlist
bluebear:cbr900rr, cracked using John the Ripper rockyou.txt wordlist
cozybear: datblygu23, cracked using John the Ripper md5decryptor-uk.txt wordlist
teddybear:Magoveny, cracked using John the Ripper darkc0de.txt
carebear:13p70m3nin6i7i5, cracked using John the Ripper darkc0de.txt wordlist
brotherbear:soccer10, cracked using John the Ripper rockyou.txt wordlist
Description: So far I have been using John the Ripper and hash cat as my password crackers and for my wordlists: darkc0de.txt, ignis-10M.txt, md5decryptor-uk.txt, rockyou.txt, and the standard check John the Ripper runs without providing any wordlist (all wordlists mentioned are from sec-list by Daniel Meissler). I asked deepseek to write code that would write all combinations of “word” of six letters all lowercase which found the password for yogibear.
My first approach is to take the easy way out and try out some cyberchef and crackstation and any online decryptor for some of the > md5 hashes. This got me no passwords. My second approach was to run john with no wordlist on the file. Passwords gotten: sisterbear:frederic, pandabear:dodgers1 Third approach was to use wordlists. I used lower_it.txt, Ashley-Madison.txt, wpa-over200k.txt, and got grizzlybear:bisbocciavano, papabear:lynnw00d, brotherbear:soccer10 and bluebear:cbr900rr respectively. After this I downloaded a bunch of wordlists and added them to a directory. I made a script that ran john on all of the wordlists in a directory. I got no passwords from those lists. I was stagnant for a bit, so I checked piazza and saw a post about looking at the strategy from previous password hacking contests… I downloaded Daniel Miessler’s SecLists and ran john on a directory with all the password files. Passwords gotten: teddybear:Magoveny, Carebear:13p70m3nin6i7i5, jackbear:n0n4nc3571241, barneybear:yasuoshu (md5decryptor-uk.txt) My next step is to use hashcat Final note: my first step was separating the hash types so everything specified above was done twice on both hash files.
Made all the wordlists in SecLists into one big wordlist and got rid of duplicate words using the command: find SecLists/Passwords/ -type f -exec cat {} + | sort -u > combined_wordlist.txt (I got this command from ChatGPT)
By using John with this wordlist on the md5 hashes, I found the following passwords grizzlybear:bisbocciavano pandabear:dodgers1 sisterbear:frederic papabear:lynnw00d jackbear:n0n4nc3571241 barneybear:yasuoshu
By using John with this wordlist on the sha512 hashes, I found the following passwords carebear:13p70m3nin6i7i5 teddybear:Magoveny bluebear:cbr900rr cozybear:datblygu23 brotherbear:soccer10
By using John with incremental mode and testing only lower case letters I found yogibear:ethsbm
By using John with incremental mode and testing only numbers I found fancybear:69770257
sisterbear:frederic - SOLUTION: darkc0de.txt or john Md5 john -wordlist=darkc0de.txt ‘hash-file.txt’
grizzlybear:bisbocciavano - SOLUTION: darkc0de.txt Md5 john -wordlist=darkc0de.txt ‘hash-file.txt’
jackbear:n0n4nc3571241 - SOLUTION: darkc0de.txt Md5 john -wordlist=darkc0de.txt ‘hash-file.txt’
pandabear:dodgers1 - SOLUTION: darkc0de.txt or john Md5 john -wordlist=darkc0de.txt ‘hash-file.txt’
barneybear:yasuoshu - SOLUTION: md5decryptor-uk.txt. Md5 john -wordlist=md5decryptor-uk.txt ‘hash-file.txt’
papabear:lynnw00d - SOLUTION: Ashley-Madison.txt Md5 john -wordlist=Ashley-Madison.txt ‘hash-file.txt’
bluebear:cbr900rr - SOLUTION: xato-net-10-million-passwords-10000.txt SHA512crypt john -wordlist=xato-net-10-million-passwords-10000.txt -format=sha512crypt ‘hash-file.txt’
cozybear:datblygu23 - SOLUTION: md5decryptor-uk.txt (I’m pretty sure it is md5decryptor-uk.txt I wasn’t watching closely when the file was generated as I was running SecLists back to back it could also be alleged-gmail-passwords.txt as this is what I ran before it although I think it is the first one) SHA512crypt. hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 -o solved.txt ‘hash-file.txt’ /SecLists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/md5decryptor-uk.txt
carebear:13p70m3nin6i7i5 - SOLUTION: darkc0de.txt SHA512crypt john -wordlist=darkc0de.txt -format=sha512crypt ‘hash-file.txt’
brotherbear:soccer10 SOLUTION: xato-net-10-million-passwords-10000.txt SHA512crypt john -wordlist=xato-net-10-million-passwords-10000.txt -format=sha512crypt ‘hash-file.txt’
Passwords were cracked using various wordlists found on Daniel Miessler’s Passwords GitHub. Some took longer than others due to the size of the wordlists being used. I began combining smaller wordlists together to minimize the number of uses required for John the Ripper. But otherwise, fairly straightforward to download the required wordlists, utilize JtR and see if any passwords were cracked.
jackbear:n0n4nc3571241 (this was cracked using wordlist SecLists-master/Passwords/bt4-password.txt)
grizzlybear:bisbocciavano (this was cracked using wordlist SecLists-master/Passwords/darkc0de.txt)
papabear:lynnw00d (cracked John the Ripper using wordlist SecLists-master/Passwords/Pwdb-Public/Wordlists/ignis-10M.txt)
barneybear: yasuoshu (Used hashcat)
cozybear: datblygu23
bluebear: cbr900rr
carebear: 13p70m3nin6i7i5 teddybear: Magoveny (Used hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 -w 3 -o crackme_output4.txt –username crackme2.txt SecLists-master/Passwords/darkc0de.txt